Cato Nano
2018-01-16 10:02:29 UTC
I have 2 models, with a relation between them
Much like Sales and SaleLine
Let' s say I have Bolletta and BollettaLine
Some BollettaLine fields are calcolated and they depend on some Bolletta fields
How do I do that ?
Also, I' d like to show on the BollettaLine form view some Bolletta fields
I tried this
SomeBollettaField = fields.Many2One('tributi.bolletta', 'Some Bolletta Field')
but when I update the module, I get
psycopg2.ProgrammingError: ERRORE: non Ú possibile implementare il vincolo di chiave esterna "tributi_affissione_dataCommissione_fkey"
DETAIL: Le colonne chiave "dataCommissione" e "id" hanno tipi incompatibili: date e integer.
ERROR: The foreign key constarint tributi_affissione_dataCommissione_fkey can't be implemented
DETAIL: The key columns "SomeBollettaField" and "id" have mismatching types: date and integer
Much like Sales and SaleLine
Let' s say I have Bolletta and BollettaLine
Some BollettaLine fields are calcolated and they depend on some Bolletta fields
How do I do that ?
Also, I' d like to show on the BollettaLine form view some Bolletta fields
I tried this
SomeBollettaField = fields.Many2One('tributi.bolletta', 'Some Bolletta Field')
but when I update the module, I get
psycopg2.ProgrammingError: ERRORE: non Ú possibile implementare il vincolo di chiave esterna "tributi_affissione_dataCommissione_fkey"
DETAIL: Le colonne chiave "dataCommissione" e "id" hanno tipi incompatibili: date e integer.
ERROR: The foreign key constarint tributi_affissione_dataCommissione_fkey can't be implemented
DETAIL: The key columns "SomeBollettaField" and "id" have mismatching types: date and integer
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